Parents Forum comes to Egerton HS.

Please click for information and dates!

Dear Parent, Guardian, Carer

At Egerton High School we recognise that strong and effective communication between school and home is fundamental to our continued success. Making sure we are connected is crucial to our young people’s outcomes at school.

It is the intention this academic year to offer termly relaxed ‘Tea & Talk’ mornings where we would like to warmly invite you into school.

The provisional dates for these are:
Autumn Term: Monday 13th November
Spring Term: Monday 4th March
Summer Term: Monday 17th June

The sessions will run from 9.30-10.30 am in the school gallery.

The focus for each conversation will be communicated prior to you attending. We hope to be able to offer real variety to our discussions on all aspects of school life, but topics could potentially include the School vision & values, our approach to SEMH, Safeguarding provision, Mental Attendance, and wider school developments.

Please let school know if you have any particular areas of interest.

These sessions will also be attended by relevant staff in school such as Mr PA Madden Head teacher, members of the SLT and school governors.

Please contact the school office on 01610 749 7094 or if you are able to attend.

Kind regards

Mr Larkin

Patrycja Makles