Communication for parents!

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you are well, and that you have enjoyed the break.

You will be aware that School begins again for all students at 8.50 am on Thursday 3rd September. We will be carefully following the latest Government guidance, which you can access from the following link:

As before, your child will be required to maintain social distancing before entering the main entrance of the building. On entry they will be asked to sanitise their hands. As previously, we will be operating the 2 metre social distancing protocols, with each room set out accordingly, and a teacher zone. Rooms will be well ventilated and sanitiser will be available. Each Group will operate as a bubble in order to minimise contact. Students will be discharged onto transport on a staggered basis from 1.55pm each day; those who walk home will be allowed to leave site at this time each day.

Should your child exhibit the symptoms of COVID 19 (high temperature, feelings of sickness, unusual continuous dry cough, diarrhoea, loss of taste and smell), then we ask you to keep your child at home and ensure that they undertake a COVID 19 test before attending school. Should your child test positive for COVID, or come into contact with anyone  who has been diagnosed with COVID we ask that you undertake the necessary self-isolation for a period of 10 days. Should your child exhibit the symptoms of COVID 19 whilst in school, they will be taken to one of 3 special areas where they can wait until collected.

I hope you will take confidence from the measures we have introduced, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further details.

Yet again, the School has experienced its most successful year to date, with this year’s results being the best ever achieved, including our first ever 5 A*-C candidate; as a result we are very excited about the forthcoming term.

I will update you on progress in a few weeks’ time.

Kind regards,

JP Madden


Patrycja Makles