Letter to parents 07/10/19

Dear Parents/Carers,


It may have come to your attention that there have been a number of negative postings on social media about our school. It is unfortunate that something designed to connect people positively has been used in this way. I would like to thank all the parents who have rallied in support of the school, and all those who have reported the postings to the providers. Greater Manchester Police are supporting the school and are currently investigating what is being treated as a crime: in order to avoid unnecessary distress, we have advised all our students today not to get involved or post comments.


I want to assure you that your child is safe in our school. Myself and Mrs. Oultram, Deputy Headteacher, have spoken to all children in order to allay any fears they may have. We know all children can be vulnerable online, and have therefore reminded the students to be vigilant and report anything they might see or read online to us – even if they are contacted by someone saying they are someone who they think they might know. We have also reminded the students of our visitor policy: if a staff member or student sees anyone around our school site without photo staff identification or a genuine Egerton High School visitor badge they must report this immediately, even if, once again, they think they recognize them.


Staff, Student and family safety are extremely important at Egerton High School and in a recent independent inspection, we were praised for our work with students and families.  Indeed, in our parent satisfaction survey of July 2019, all respondents said their children are happy at this school, all said their children feel safe at school, all said that the school responds well to concerns, and all said they would recommend this school to others. I would like to thank the staff, governors, students, and families for continuing to aim high: one of our Year 11 students leaving this year, recently told us, ‘Egerton was life-changing, I achieved!’

As we move into this new academic year we continue to go from strength to strength and have exciting plans for our development which will benefit all our students and families. Egerton High School relies on a shared approach in ensuring our students achieve all they can. We always welcome our parents and carers to come into school if they are concerned about anything at all, including concerns about their child’s wellbeing or progress. If this is the case, I warmly welcome you to come and speak with us. Please call the school office on 0161 749 7094 and we would be delighted to set a meeting up.


Kind regards,


JP Madden


Patrycja Makles